Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

2024 is bringing us no shortage of new PS 5 games. Here’s a roundup of some of the best new and upcoming games releasing on PS 5 throughout 2024. And as a disclaimer, these are the games we know about there are plenty of unannounced things that may crop up during the year you know, big first party titles like say insomniacs, Wolverine don’t have a release date yet. And other big things like Grand Theft Auto six, we have no idea when that’s really coming. So here’s some of the more known stuff. Like we said, we got 20 games to talk about. So let’s get started off with number Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive 

20. Tekken 8

Tekken 8
Tekken 8

The recently released Tekken 8 is really making fans of the series happy. It is another solid entry in the Tekken series where they rarely miss if we’re being honest out with some new characters that brings some interesting things into the mix. A little bit more additions to the fighting mechanics but otherwise a straightforward fun tech and game but a really cool little character creator character modifier, and they continue the story and they managed to continue to keep it interesting. Eight games in that’s really impressive. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

19. Stellar blade

Stellar blade
Stellar blade

We have stellar blade this one has been in the works for a while and has mostly been shown off as a graphical showcase it very much looks like an Unreal Engine 5 game turned up to 11 and what it is kind of a sci fi fantasy hack and slash adventure. It looks like it’s almost got like a science fiction Devil May Cry thing to it and I’m frankly all about that. Apparently, you are this sci fi paratrooper warrior named Eve who goes to Earth on an adventure but this earth is destroyed. Basically, mankind has moved on Beyond Earth and lives in space colonies, so she’s got to venture through this post-apocalyptic sci fi Earth and fight awesome big monsters. That’s really all we have to go on at the time of making this video. Sony and PlayStation have planned to reveal more soon but as of right now, it just looks cool. That’s all we got. But sometimes looking cool and fun is all you really need. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

18. Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones

We have Skull and Bones Yes, Ubisoft LOG IN THE WORKS pirate game is finally almost here. What started off as I guess like a spinoff of Assassin’s Creed four black flags pirate style gameplay. Scotland bones is this big, massive multiplayer thing where you get to be your own pirate, build your own ship, man, your own crew and go on adventures. This thing has been delayed and delayed and delayed for years and years. And that could spell disaster or it could spell an idea worth pushing through this long. We don’t know for sure. But we’re excited to finally check it out. Because to be completely honest, the world always needs more pirate games. I know we have the you know Assassin’s Creed pirate games; we have Sea of Thieves. We have classic pirate games, but like skull and bones can really hopefully bring something different. We don’t know for sure we’re gonna judge it when we get our hands on it when that release is February 16. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

17. Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines 2

Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines 2
Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines 2

We have Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines 2, this is another one that has been in development for a long time, with some development change ups and significant delays. But the developers are talking about the game more they released developer diaries fairly consistently and we’re hoping we finally see it this year. This is the sequel to the famous PC RPG there was really nothing like it at the time. And we’re really hoping they knock it out of the park with this one because there’s a lot you can do. Again, we don’t know an exact release date. But we’re thinking 2024 Hopefully, because like I said with pirate games, it’s the same thing with vampire games, we need more vampire games. It’s a good genre, and we love to see it. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

16. Light no fire

Light no fire
Light no fire

We have a game called Light no fire. This is from Hello Games, the people who made No Man’s Sky. So, this game, they promised a lot upfront. They said this is the first truly open world game meaning it is a massive whole world or planet for you to explore. Seemingly in full multiplayer. It looks like it has different regions, different weird alien cultures and just a lot of massive feeling exploration. All we have is one simple and honestly pretty gorgeous trailer to go on. And I know people are instantly sceptical because of Halo games and the promises they made with No Man’s Sky when that launched and it didn’t meet expectations. So, they’re added again. I think they’ve learned a lot and I’m curious to see what comes of this one because if it actually is what they’re saying. And if it’s fun, this could be really cool. Now as of right now it doesn’t have a release date. Some analysts and some speculators are thinking it’s been in development for a long, long time so we might see it by holiday 2024 I would love that to be honest. I really want to see what the deal is with this thing. But whenever it comes out is when it comes out. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

15. Warhammer 40k Space Marine

Warhammer 40k Space Marine
Warhammer 40k Space Marine

We have Warhammer 40k Space Marine to this is the follow up to the absolutely awesome hack and slash adventure Space Marine I think this new game has the potential to garner new

Warhammer 40k Fan specifically because as a Normie myself, I think this looks very cool. I played the original Space Marine absolutely loved it. And you know, I was able to at least pick up a little bit of Warhammer stuff will Space Marine to really make me go down the rabbit hole. Finally, I don’t know for sure. But this just looks like a ton of fun, beautiful visuals on screen hordes of enemies to slay badass main character cool weapons Gore, like it’s just video game 101 We really hope they nail it like they did with the first one. We’re going to be checking it out September 9 2024. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

14. Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered

Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered
Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered

believe it or not, we have Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered, this might not be a big deal to some people. But for some of you all their heads out there, myself included, it’s really fun to see the original ps1 classic back in action with a little bit of a fresh coat of paint, they definitely aren’t completely remaking the thing from the ground up like you can see it is still very clearly the old original Tomb Raider games with all their faults, but they have a lot of charm. And we’re really excited to replay them and really revisit those worlds because they were very unique at the time, Lara was very difficult to control even back in the day. So, I’m curious to see just where they find two things where they updated things they did confirm, you’re still gonna be able to lock the butler in the fridge. That’s a very specific reference to the old games. But if you played you know what I’m talking about anyway, let’s move on. Oh, and it’s releasing February 14 of this year.

13. Black myth Wu kong

Black myth Wu kong
Black myth Wukong

This summer, we’re getting black myth Wukong. This is the kind of action hack and slash souls like game cantered around Chinese mythology and a classical novel. So, you got a lot of fantasy elements, a really cool main character, and just some incredible over the top combat and boss battles. I mean, this game has absolutely wowed us from the start when we got our first glimpse of it. It’s from a Chinese developer that we haven’t really seen any of their other games before. But this one looks absolutely massive, and ambitious. And we’re curious to see if they can nail it because like we said, those trailers right from the beginning really got us hooked. And now seeing the game fully fleshed out. It does look really enticing. What’s it releasing August 19 2024.

12. Persona 3 reload

Persona 3 reload
Persona 3 reload

We have persona 3 reload dropping in February. This is a rerelease total update of the original beloved persona three classic, with a bunch of new elements and some change ups but also just a good reason to revisit the classic now persona three is going to be available on all the major platforms, which is great. And of course, specifically here, PS 5 characters that people absolutely fell in love with and some incredible music. That’s what’s coming to you. And we hope it holds up in 2024.

11. Burnishers ghosts of New Eden

Burnishers ghosts of New Eden
Burnishers ghosts of New Eden

We have burnishers ghosts of New Eden. This is a third person action-adventure game from don’t not the people behind so many things like Vampire Life is Strange. They make a big variety of games. And this one is definitely more in the vein of vampire or Vampire, if you will, where you play as like a kind of ghost hunting couple fighting ghouls and creatures and kind of warping between realms because one of the people in the relationship is actually a ghost. There are some cool ideas here. I’m really curious to see how this goes down and what kind of story they tell because I usually like these types of games don’t not put out and we’ll know for sure when it releases February 13 2024.

10. Lost soul aside

Lost soul aside
Lost soul aside

We have lost soul aside this one has been in the works for quite some time and teased as a smaller project many many years ago, and has blown up into this full-scale project and looks very much inspired by like the cool slick action and characters from like Final Fantasy seven but also some of the combat and stuff from Devil May Cry. Also, like stellar blade we talked about earlier. A lot of attention here is specifically cantered around the graphics. The visuals here are clearly pretty stunning. We’re really curious to see what comes of this one. And as of right now, it’s slated for 2024.

9. Test Drive Unlimited solar crowd

Test Drive Unlimited solar crowd
Test Drive Unlimited solar crowd

we have Test Drive Unlimited solar crowd, they’re going big with this one, you’re going to be able to drive around all of Hong Kong Island with whatever gorgeous high-end cars you want, and have a lot of freedom. Frankly, test drive players have been begging for a new game for a while now. It’s a series that’s been dormant and it’s really cool to be talking about it and the fact that it’s coming back visuals look absolutely incredible. I expect the handling and the driving to feel good but we’ll judge that when we play it as of right now. It is slated for coming soon. And we’re hoping this is the year we see it.

8. Metal Gear Solid 3

Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 3

we have Metal Gear Solid 3 the remake or Metal Gear Solid three Delta, whatever you want to call it. Konami is bringing back Metal Gear Solid with this visual remake it looks like the gameplay is going to be pretty similar but visually this thing looks pretty damn incredible. I hope that it doesn’t lose the flair, the vibe the feeling of the original game, because I’m a diehard Metal Gear fan and I you know, I just worry about them screwing this up Metal Gear fans we definitely have a complicated history with Konami and the franchise now for sure, but this thing might release this year.

News reports and some stuff from Konami have suggested that we might see this and another game they’re working on that we’ll talk about in a bit this year, but who knows. Next over number

7. Prince of Persia, the last crown

Prince of Persia, the last crown
Prince of Persia, the last crown

we have Prince of Persia, the last crown. This game is Prince of Persia going back to its roots. The original from back in the day was a 2d action platformer, and that’s what they’re doing here. Now it’s a full-blown Metroid Vania and it’s absolutely awesome. We were sceptical of not playing as the prince. This game definitely goes in its own new direction with fantasy and lore and cantered around Persian mythology. But even though you’re not the titular Prince of Persia, this game is a ton of fun and probably one of the better Metroid Vania is in a minute. The combat is really really fun and addictive. The discovery and exploration are good the boss battles are cool. The style is really interesting Prince of Persia last crown definitely has a little bit of everything. We didn’t expect Ubisoft to put on something this good to be honest, because sometimes we’re a little sceptical of that. But as of right now, you can play it on PS 5. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

6. Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill
Silent Hill

we have the Silent Hill to remake this is another one coupled with the Metal Gear Solid three remake where a news report suggested we might see it in 2024. This is from blooper team, the people behind games like the medium that have been tasked with remaking the classic. We don’t really know how this one is going to turn out. We haven’t frankly seen too much of it yet. Apparently, the combats getting an overhaul and obviously the visuals, but we’re just really curious to see if a completely different studio really can handle the nuances, the subtleties, the things that really make the original Silent Hill two so incredible and iconic from the Japanese developers over Konami. Also, we just need something good from the Silent Hill franchise. It’s been a while. So, let’s see what happens Fingers crossed. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

5. Dragon Infinite Wealth

Dragon Infinite Wealth
Dragon Infinite Wealth

we have like a dragon Infinite Wealth. This is the next like a dragon game. Once again, continuing each IBAN saga keirin is in it. But he is pretty much on his way out. He’s gotten a story sort of wrapped up in other games and a spin off game. So now they’re going in a different direction. But essentially here you have the two guys in Hawaii going on adventures and it is a ton of fun. The RPG turn based combat is better than ever. The diversions and distractions and weird things in the open world are even more fun than they’ve been in the past. There’s a lot to love about like a dragon Infinite Wealth. I mean, the Yakuza series started on like PlayStation two, right, that’s cool to see it’s still continuing to this day. It’s been a long time the franchise has changed, for sure, but it’s found a really fun identity. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

4. Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon Infinite Wealth
Dragon’s Dogma 2

we have Dragon’s Dogma 2. This is the RPG sequel that people have been begging for. For years, Capcom really cracked the code with the original fantasy RPG, just having that specific Capcom spin on kind of a played-out genre really worked for people. And Dragon’s Dogma too. Looks like they’re just doing more of the same given fans more of what they want a really fun action RPG with a strong narrative and good player choice and a bigger world this time around cool battles. It just seems like they’re really on to something here. It’s probably our most anticipated RPG of the Year, by far. It’s releasing March 21 2024. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

3. Star Wars outlaws

Star Wars outlaws
Star Wars outlaws

we have Star Wars outlaws. Star Wars is going open world and it’s made by the people at massive the folks behind the division and the Division two. So, while this isn’t like a game as a service game, I’d say that the massive definitely knows how to build compelling open worlds and I’m glad to see that they’re doing it with the Star Wars game. And it feels like for once you’re not a Jedi you’re more of a Han Solo type character. So, they can really do some cool different things here from reports and what we’ve seen with Ubisoft, it seems like we’re going to be playing it by the end of this year. And we’re looking forward to seeing what the deal is because Star Wars games have been on a roll recently. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

2. Rise of the ronin

Rise of the ronin
Rise of the ronin

we have Rise of the ronin this is the next game from Team Ninja the people most recently behind Neo and Neo to and it seems like they’re once again kind of doing a souls lifestyle game. But more of an open world adventure with an emphasis on story. You’re in 19th century Japan, the region is changing. There’s conflict and you’re this cool, badass guy with gadgets and like a grappling hook and a glider and of course, a gun and a katana. The battles look really compelling and fun. There are some cool boss battles we’ve seen footage of and we’re really excited to get our hands on this one. Is it going to be as challenging as Neo and Neo two? We don’t know for sure. But we’re hoping that they can also tell a really good story here. Basically, if you’ve been waiting for something to scratch that ghost of Tsushima itch Rise of the ronin might do it and it’s releasing March 22 2024. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup
Final Fantasy seven rebirth

of course it’s Final Fantasy seven rebirth. This one has been in the works for a while people have been waiting to see what happens next, in the Final Fantasy seven remake world. I mean, we kind of know what’s going to happen next, but they’ve changed some things up they’ve shaken some things up quite a bit. So, there could be some surprises. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

In this next entry of Final Fantasy seven, this is where things really get interesting. The area’s open up, the character is getting crazier scenarios, and even more happens in the story. So, we’re really, really excited to see it go down. There’s more emphasis on party mechanics this time around, it seems, and we’re just ready to go because Final Fantasy seven remake was awesome. And we’re excited to see how this one goes. It’s releasing February 29 2024. But those are 20 games coming to PS 5 and 2024. So let us know in the comments what you guys think, of course, we could not fit every single game in the world. Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

conclusion of Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup the line-up of highly anticipated PS5 games for 2024 offers a diverse range of experiences for players to look forward to. From beloved franchises returning with remasters and sequels to exciting new IPs pushing the boundaries of gameplay and storytelling, there’s something for every type of gamer. With stunning visuals, innovative mechanics, and compelling narratives, these titles promise to deliver memorable gaming experiences that will keep players engaged throughout the year. Whether revisiting classics with a fresh coat of paint or diving into entirely new worlds, 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for PlayStation enthusiasts.

Top 20: Highly Anticipated PS5 Games of 2024: A Comprehensive Roundup

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